www.centralotagonz.com | Business & Community Listings

It is easy to list your business or community group on www.centralotagonz.com - If you're an approved business or group it costs nothing and helps you to reach domestic and international visitors and the local Central Otago community.

Please fill out the information requested below, and we will be in contact with you shortly.

*If you're requesting a new listing all fields are required to complete your listing.

Business or Organisation Phone
(this will show on listing) *
Business or Organisation Email
(the enquiry form from listing will email to this address) *
Website Link
Main Business Category
if 'other' please specify in comment field at the end of this form.
Business Areas
e.g Restaurant, Motel, Law Firm,
Short Description
(For search results page)
approx. 50 words
Long Description
(For listing page)
approx. 400 words
Business Logo
Main hero image

Please send up to five additional images via Email or Dropbox to tourism@codc.govt.nz or economic@codc.govt.nz

Social Media Links(For listing page)
Provide full address for Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/TripAdvisor/Instagram etc.
Video Link
If applicable
Central Otago Regional Identity Partner
See www.aworldofdifference.co.nz for more information *
Any additional comments
External Certifications/Affiliations

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